Backing Up Your Data | BYU Information Security Skip to main content

Backing Up Your Data

a young student points to several oversize folders

Regular file backups are a part of good digital hygiene. It's important to back up your data for those unexpected moments when something goes wrong and years' worth of photos are suddenly erased (or worse, stolen). We tend to ignore the need to back up our files until it's too late. Fortunately, modern technology is making it easier to back up files quickly—even automatically. It's a great relief to know your data is secured and available.

Cloud vs. Local Storage

For decades, the safest and best way to preserve copies of data was on external drives or servers—USB sticks, DVDs, even floppy disks. With the advent of near-universal internet access, many people are switching to cloud storage services, like Google Drive, Dropbox, or OneDrive. Here's a breakdown of each type of storage:

Cloud Storage

Local Storage


• Affordable (subscription payments)

• Upgrade-able

• Available on multiple devices

• Secure (encrypted by storage service providers)

• Ready for sharing

• Affordable (one-time purchase)

• Fast data transfer with new connections

• Portable

• Local security

• Not dependent on Internet connection


• $$/month or year

• No Internet? No cloud.

• Not all cloud services are created equal

• Can break, decay, or get stolen

• Limited space

• Drive must be physically connected to device

Box: Our University's Solution

Our university officially uses and recommends Box, a cloud storage service. Box integrates with the Microsoft suite, giving you all the functionality of OneDrive. It also supports sharing, collaborative editing, and near-universal file previewing. All students and employees automatically have a Box account attached to their NetID - it's a simple as logging in. With Box, you'll have storage space to save files only related to university work until you graduate or leave the university.


Virus and Malware Protection

Learn about the different kinds of malware that exist, and how to prevent, detect and respond to them.


Learn how to change your password, how to create a security question, and how to create passwords that protect your account.

Device Protection

Learn general tips for keeping your physical devices protected from unauthorized access and other physical threats.

Software Updates

Learn why keeping the operating system on your devices up to date is actually a very important security precaution.

Internet Safety

Learn how to protect yourself from being scammed, tricked, or hacked while surfing the web.

Social Media

Learn what steps you can take to ensure that your social media accounts are protected.


Learn how to identify and avoid scam emails, texts, and more. Phishing scams steal personal info on a regular basis.

Two-Factor Authentication

Learn how 2-Factor Authentication services like DUO protect your account from hackers and accidental access.


Learn the difference between secured and unsecured Wi-Fi networks and how to be safe when connecting to a wireless network.

Social Engineering

Learn about methods criminals might use to obtain your information by building false trust.

Working and Studying from Home

Learn how to be healthy and secure while following shelter-in-place instructions